Prosthetic & Orthotic Services

Explore our wide range of prosthetic and orthotic services designed to improve your quality of life.

Discover Our Wide Range of Prosthetic Devices and Services

Brownfield's Prosthetics & Orthotics is a full-service healthcare provider in the fields of Prosthetics, Orthotics, Mastectomy, and Compression, specializing in custom fabrication and patient management. Established in 1949, Brownfield’s has proudly served Southwest Idaho and beyond with the most highly trained and educated staff. Brownfield’s takes great pride in our commitment to excellence by accommodating customers with the most current services available, along with uncompromising adherence to the highest standards of quality and patient care.

Brownfield's Orthotics & Prosthetics employee holding a prosthesis


A "prosthetic" is an artifical device used to replace a missing body part. Our scope of prosthetic services include pre-operative consultations; post-operative care; preparatory prostheses; definitive prostheses; shower or swim prostheses; sports prostheses; and prosthetic supplies, repair, and maintenance.

We provide both upper and lower extremity prosthetics with the goal of restoring natural function and continuation of activities of daily living (ADL's).


"Orthotics" means "to straighten" or "align" and includes a wide variety of devices used for control, mobility, pain reduction, protection, and support.

We offer custom or pre-fabricated splints and braces for limbs and spines, as well as custom insoles, all designed with the goal of restoring natural function to promote mobility and independence.

The diversity of our services covers pediatrics to aged care; acute, chronic, and complex conditions; as well as post-surgical assistance.
mastectomy bra

Mastectomy & Post Reconstructive Breast Surgery

Brownfield’s offers breast care experts for women who have had any type of breast cancer surgery. You are special, unique and beautiful; you deserve a positive partner to guide and support you through your breast cancer journey. Our certified post mastectomy fitters are experienced, passionate, energetic and committed to helping restore your confidence, balance and body image. Brownfield’s has provided breast cancer survivors with post mastectomy and post reconstructive breast care for over 30 years! We are your essential source for all post mastectomy, post lumpectomy & post reconstruction needs. Experience a personal and private fitting for full & partial breast prosthesis, mastectomy pocketed bras & post mastectomy-immediate recovery garments, as well as compression arm sleeves and gauntlets for those with lymphedema concerns. We have convenient locations in Nampa and Meridian for scheduling your personal and private fitting.
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compression stockings


Compression-Garments worn such as a sleeves, wraps or stockings, to be used for excessive tissue swelling due to medical conditions within the body. Compression garments can help to improve blood flow circulation throughout the body and enhance recovery.    
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Why Brownfield's?

Experience the Comfort of Brownfield's Prosthetics & Orthotics

At Brownfield's, we prioritize your comfort and well-being. Our team of certified professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality prosthetic and orthotic devices, ensuring a comfortable fit and improved mobility.

Brownfield's Orthotics & Prosthetics patient standing next to a bike

Join the Brownfield's Family

Experience compassionate care and innovative prosthetic and orthotic solutions

Brownfield's Orthotics & Prosthetics Meridian location